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[New Zeland HeadQuarters]
+ Company Location : Auckland, New Zealand
+ Address - 21 Viaduct Harbour Avenue Lighter Quay Auckland 1010, New Zealand
+ Contact Us (Phone Number) - 64 9 444 1200, help@na-well.com
+ Business Number - 1967585 www.newzealand.govt.nz

[Korea Branch]
+ Business Registration : 154-10-01396 , Company name is "Nawell Korea" Representative : Kim Naksu
+ Address - 101/507. 426, Cheongho-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea, Health Functional Foods Business Report Certificate : 2020-0175324
+ Contact Us help@na-well.com/070-4659-2074, Mail-order certificate : 2020-DaeguSuseongGu-0449, Internet Purchasing Agency : 20200012126
+ Bank Information : IBK 161-111959-01-011 Kim Naksu

We observe the law of South Korea and New Zealand. We are continually seeking solutions that will drive better health outcomes and deliver a range
of healthcare benefits to support a healthy lifestyle.
Our range includes a variety of multinutrients, vitamin formulas, amino acids, high potency formulas, glandular products,
enzymes, herbal formulas, health foods, protein powders, bulk powders and liquids, and a tea tree range.

Ʈ ѱ ڸ ƮԴϴ.
ѱ FTA Ը ؼϰ ֽϴ.
ֱ ü Ű ӵǰ , Ű ŰڿԵ ذ ȣ縦 ȮϿ մϴ.
ü ظ Ű Ͽ ѱ ǰ å ߱ϰڽϴ.
(2011 ü ȣ Ͽ ġ Ͽ, Ǹ ޾)

Ʈ ǿ ȣǸ, ù ǰ ó˴ϴ.
ֱ Copyü ã, ȣ Ʒ ܺ ĸϿ մϴ.
DZ ü Copy Ͻñ ٶϴ. Դϴ!! شմϴ.